the Quarters:


Temeschburg Fabrikstadt Elisabetstadt Josefstadt Mehala Fratelia Freidorf

German: Temeschburg, Temeswár

Schwowisch: Temeschwar

Hungarian: Temesvár

Official: Timisoara, Romania

In search of your German ancestors who once lived in Temeschburg, Temeswar, or Temesvar . . . in the 1920's they were named the Danube Swabians or Donauschwaben.

Copper-plate engraving of the city of Temeswar, printed by Wagner in his Delineatio Provinciae Pannoniae, in Augsburg in 1685. It shows the city under Ottoman occupation. The fortress has a rectangular form, with two parts (left and right in this picture). This structure was build by Charles the 1st of Hungary in the 14-th century. After liberating the city from the Turks, the Austrians will rebuild the city fortress in a star-shaped form with strong bastions. With the new fortress, the city would never be conquered again. 1


1905 Temesvar Map

The capital city of Timis county, Timisoara ("Little Vienna"), German variant is Temeschburg or Temeswar and the Hungarian variant is Temesvar. It is the third largest city of Romania and an important historic, economic, financial, cultural and scientific town and the gate of Romania to West Europe.

Geographical position: Set amidst a rich plain, crossed by the Bega River, the city of Timisoara is one of the main economic, scientific and cultural centers in Romania. It is located at 45 47'' North latitude and 21 17'' East longitude, with a surface of 100.2 square Km. and a population of 338.920 (1991).

The climate is transition continental, with some sub-Mediterranean influence. The average annual temperature is 10.9 C, the hottest month being July with an average temperature of 21.6 C and the coldest in January averaging -1.2 C.









Temeschburg / Temeswar Coordinator:
Jody McKim Pharr, Georgia, US

© 2003-2012 Jody McKim Pharr, unless otherwise noted.

Last Updated: February 29, 2012