Historian |
Author |
Writer |
Poet |
Artist |
Musician |
Dr. |
Priest |
Jakob 1789 -
Peterwardein und Neusatz;
father of Rudolf
von Alt.
the Elder, (1789,
Germany - 1872 Vienna),
painter and lithograph;
Father of Franz alto and
Rudolf of alto studied
at the Viennese academy
with F. A. Brand and M.
von Molitor; created
lithographic series
works over the Austrian
alps and the Danube.
Extensive Herbarium
(today in the Netherland
Federal State Museum).
1812-1905 |
von BÖHM-ERMOLLI, Eduard Freiherr
Austrian Commander - Böhm-Ermolli was dispatched first to the Vojvodina to
comply with General Conrad's planned invasion of Serbia according to "Plan B."
The IX. Corps actually invaded Serbia from Syrmia in the First Invasion
beginning on August 11, 1914 [www.geocities.com/veldes1/bohm.html] |
KNIESEL, Wilfred
1922 in Beschka, Syrmien. He
studied in Karlowitz, Neu Werbass and
Esseg. He became soldier and saw action
near Leningrad Russia (Petersburg).
After the war he continued his study at
the University of Frankfurt, Germany, He
thought chemistry and economy in
Darmstadt. His contributed to the study
of Donauschwaben genealogy and family
history of the Donauschwaben and the
Palatinate from where many of our
ancestors originate. |
KRAUSS, Alfred
Austrian Commander Krauss arrived in time to
organize the defense of Syrmia, and on 10 September, the independent 104. Landstürm brigade marched past Jarak in western Syrmia, made a defensive line
along the Roman Canal, and stopped the advance of Serbia’s Sumadija Division.
The next morning, FZM
Oskar Potiorek launched a
full-scale invasion of Serbia
from Bosnia-Herzegovina, and
General Bojovic was ordered to
withdraw from Syrmia. Krauss
had scraped together enough
loose LandstŸrm units from both
the long-gone IX. Corps and also
from nearby VIII. Corps to form
the so-called Combined Corps
under the 5. Army, which
reoccupied Syrmia.
OBERERSCH, Valentin Born 1920 in
India, Syrmia. He visited the high
schools in Semlin and Karlowitz and
later graduated from the University of
Belgrade. After the war he continued his
study on the University of Graz in
Austria. From here he moved to Stuttgart
where he became active in many the
research of several Donauschwaben
Heimatbücher (Towns books). |
Renown Danube Swabian Music Historian,
Composer and Author from Banat,
but wrote about musicians from "all" regions.
[More] |
The Flame Devours
From the Diary
of Pastor Matthias Rometsch
Chronik Neu-Pasua
Contributed by
Gerhard Banzhaf,
translated by Henry Fischer
edited by Rose Vetter |
Academic Painter from the town of India
THURO, Andreas, Sr.
Poet from Syrmia
Windmill Grinds By Andreas
Thuro, Sr. Translated by Brad Schwebler
Sun shines, Winds blow, Mill grinds, Winds go, Swing wide, Rustle, wave far, Lured by the many winds, Spellbinding in the roundabout play, Serving in the yoke, they work, prevail. Long hours, busily turn,
Grinding delay, Hesitate – rear up When it became red far in the evening, Hurry away the wind trotting… Leave the mill standing, alone… It’s free, restrained, And listen in the silent twilight And dream…
Round tower Powerful wings Stand in the storm On the hill, Dark night Darkness has power: Roaring up from the valley and gorge, Storm the night with fantastic force; Wrestling wings, groaning, Storm-tossed owls hoot; Break – bend, Drag – rock; Finally whirl away the round dance – Timidly creeps near the silence… In the bosom of the night the storm varies. The morning rewards The mill hums her ancient song- For bread… |
Song of the Colonists By Andreas
Thuro, Sr. Translated by Brad Schwebler
At the
plow I learned to go, The need taught me to stand Through the duty I came in walking… with the view in the distance.
The day
brings me only plagues, the night secretly gnawing and the hunger at the threshold, and the thirst my companion…
The seed
grows so poorly for me, the mower throws so terribly and the disaster in the clouds loaded with weeds.
The song
goes in rounds, the torment crowns me on the hour, there the fate is in doses- and the way leads to the grave.
(Austria) Born 1942 in
Ruma, Syrmia.
Performances as chamber
musician and world wide
very sought after as
accompanist for
vocalists. Professor for
art classes and tutor
for "Lied"
interpretation at the
University of Music and
Dramatic Arts, Graz,
Austria. Presentation of
the opera of Josef
Matthias Hauer and Hans
Florey. Since 2001:
NOMOS. Gerhard
Zeller-Institute for
integrated harmony
structures. |
to index and biographies were made by
Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Einhorn
Biographies Index published at DVHH.org,
13 Feb 2010; update
10 Apr 2018 Publisher: Jody McKim.