Sathmar is located today
in the northwest corner of Romania, bordering Hungary and the Ukraine. The center of
settlements were GroßKarol(Carei Mare-R, Nagykároly-H). Sathmar is now Satu
Mare, Romania. Sathmar is now Satu
Mare, Romania.
Sathmar villages
including links to available information, when
Indexed by German, Hungarian and Romanian with
modern Official Names:
(German) Erdőd
/ Erdod (Hungarian) Ardud, Romania (Official)
(German) Fina (German) Fiena (German) Mezöfény / Mezofeny (Hungarian) Fény / Feny (Hungarian) Foeni / Foieni, Romania (Official)
Guffart, Franz.
200-jähriges Jubiläum der Kirchen von Fienen
[200 year anniversary of the churches of Fienen]. Year,
city and publisher unknown.
Szolomajer, Jozsef.
Mezöfeny törtenete. Geschichte von Fienenfeld
[History of Fienenfeld]. 1926, Carei, publisher unknown.
61 p.
Czumbill, Josef.
Fienen - Meine unvergessliche Heimat im Gebiete
Sathmar, Karol.1975, Cleveland, Ohio,
Classic Printing. 292 p. Library/Standort: IfA,
Guffart, Franz. Die Einwanderer
nach Fienen und das Schicksal ihrer Nachkommen.[Settlers in Fienen and the fate of their
descendants]. 1986, Leutkirchen, publisher unknown.
Gross Karol (German)
Karol (German) Nagykároly
(Hungarian) Carie Mare (Other) Carei, Romania (Official)
Asztalos, György.
Nagykaroly rt. varos törtenete
1848-ig. [Deutsch: Geschichte
der Stadt Großkarol mit einem
geordneten Magistrat bis 1848;
English: History of the city
Nagykaroly with an ordered city
council until 1848]. 1892, Carei,
publisher unknown. 267 p.
Gerczi, Koloman.
Nagykaroly, Szatmar und ihre
Umgebung. [English: Nagykaroly,
Szatmar and area]. 1891, Vienna,
publisher unknown. 46 p.
Tarna / Gross Tarna (German) Nágytarna / Nagytarna (Hungarian)
Tirna Mare (Other)
Tarna Mare, Romania (Official)
Großwardein / Grosswardein (German) Nagyvárad
Nagyvarad(Hungarian) Oradea, Romania (Official)
Oradea - the
capital city in the
Countyin Romania (North of
Arad County)
Beautiful little church in the thermal springs health resort "Baile Felix" south of Oradea in the East of Transylvania. The church was built entirely of wood (incl. wooden nails) in 1785 in the village of Brusturi and was twice taken apart and re-built in a different location.
Sacred Space: Heritage Wooden Church in Baile Felix Video by Dan Stefan. Music: Byzantine orthodox music performed by "Artis Voice Quartet". Filmed at Easter 2008.
Rajchl's Reise-Tipp: Oradea
(Großwardein) - das vergessene Juwel
Published on 31 May, 2016 by
Claudius Rajchl. (German)
Hamroth (German) Hamrod (German) Unterhamroth (German) Homorod de Jos (Other) Alsóhomoród / Alsohomorod (Hungarian)
Homorodul de Jos,Romania (official)
Heimatbücher: Brendli,
Stefan. Unsere Heimat: anderer und eigene Gedanken
von unserer engeren und weiteren Heimat auf Erden;
Geschichtliches über Hamroth (Sathmar, Rumänien) und die
Hamrother in aller Welt. [Our homeland: others' and
own thoughts about our immediate and wider homeland on
earth; history of Hamroth (Sathmar, Romania) and the
Hamrothers in the world]. 1973, Kanzach, privately
printed; Bad Buchau, A. Sandmaier-Druck. 139 p.
Josefhausen (German) Józsefháza / Jozsefhaza (Hungarian) Josyphaza (Hungarian) Josipháza / Josiphaza (Hungarian) Josip (Other) Iosapha (Other) Iojib, Romania (Official)
(German) Kaplan
(German) Kaplony(Hungarian) Kaplon(Other) Kapylon(Other) Căpleni, Romania
Kapnik(German) Kapnikbánya
/ Kapnikbanya
(Hungarian) Capnic, Romanian (Official)
Klein Sukunden (German) Kiszokond (Hungarian) Sukunden (Other) Socondzel, Romanian (Official)
Kriegsdorf (German) Hadad (Hungarian) Hodod, Romanian (Official)
A comună of 3,209 inhabitants
situated in the Satu Mare County, which also includes
Hodod, Giurtelecu Hododului, Lelei and Nadişu Hododului
The only Protestant Sathmar village
was Hodod
Between 1744 and 1751 under the
leadership of Baron Franz Wesselény was settled by 30
families from Baden-Durlach. Some 2,072 families in 32
communities were settled as farmers.
Groß Maitingen / Gross Maitingen (German) Majtingen (German) Nagymajtény / Nagymajteny (Hungarian) Moftinul Mare (Romanian)
Moftinu Mare, Romania (Official)
Werdennundund Vergehennderder Sathmarer Schwabensiedlung Maitingen.Schwabensiedlung Maitingen.
[Development and disappearance of the Sathmar Swabian
settlement of .....]. 1996, Dortmund, Johannes Hoffmann.
379 p. ISBN: 3-923293-52-6. (Veröffentlichungennder der
Forschungsstellee Ostmitteleuropa Ostmitteleuropaaa.d.a.d. Universitätt Dortmund, Dortmund, ReiheeB, Bd. 56). Includes names of original
settlers as well as inhabitants in 1988. 54,-DM.
Contact: Dr. Ernst Hauler, Dr.-B, Bd. 56). Includes names of original
settlers as well as inhabitants in 1988. 54,-DM.
Contact: Dr. Ernst Hauler, Dr.-Hellge-Str. 15, 94032
Das 900 jährigee Maitingen und seine 200 Maitingen und seine 200 jährige Kirche..
[900 years Maitingen and its 200 year old church]. 1994,
(German) Tasnád Szántó
/ Tasnad Szanto (Hungarian) Santau, Romania (Official)
(German) Zoutmarkt
(German) Salzmarkt(German) Szatmánémeti / Szatmarnemeti /
(Hungarian) Sothmar (Other) Satu Mare, Romania (Official)
Nagy, S. Szatmarnemeti szkv.
egyhazi es polgari törtenete. [Kirchengeschichte und
zivile bürgerliche Geschichte der kgl. Freistadt
Salzmarkt] - [Church history and civilian history of the
royal free city of Salzmarkt]. Vol. 1, 1860; Vol. 2,
1861. Publisher unknown.
Schmied, Stefan. Heimatbuch der
Sathmarer Schwaben.[Heritage book of the
Sathmar Swabians]. 1952, Wangen/A, St.
Josephs-Druckerei. 118 p. Library/Standort: IfA,
Schmied, Stefan, Franz Einholz.
Sathmar. Heimatbuch der Sathmarschwaben.
[Sathmar. Heritage book of the Sathmar Swabians]. 1952,
Stockach, A. Stähle-Druck. 116 p.
(German) Csomaköz / Csomakoz
(Hungarian) Ciumesti, Romania (Official)
Scheindorf(German) Szinfalu(Hungarian) Sai, Romania (Official)
Schmied, Stefan.
Scheindorf 1780-1970.
Geschichte einer sathmarschwäbischen
Siedlung. [Translation:
History of a Sathmar Schwaben
Village "Scheindorf 1780-1970"].
1970, Leubas/Kempten,
Anton-Rieder-Druck. 36 p. Standort:
IfA, Stuttgart, Martin Opitz
Located in Maramureş County near the
Tizsa River, in north-western Romania.
In the 1950s and 1960s, after the
establishment of the Romanian communist regime, the
Securitate ran the Sighet prison as a place for
political repression of public figures who had been
declared "class enemies" — the most prominent of these
was the former prime minister Iuliu Maniu (who died
there in 1953). The former prison is now a museum, part
of the Memorial for the Victims of Communism.
Hauler, Ernst. Die
sathmarschwäbische Gemeinschaft Terebesch - ihr Leben
mit Rumänien. [The Sathmar-Swabian community of
...... - life with Rumania]. 1995, München,
Donauschwäbische Kulturstiftung. 121 p. ISBN