
                                                                              in Banat



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The "French" colonization of the Banat started about 1748 with emigration from Lorraine and the territories bordering on it.   The settlers from Lorraine that established Neu-Beschenowa in the summer of 1748 had to complete a military training ordered by Maria Theresia, so that they would be able to serve as soldiers in case of war.  Read more: The Colonization of the Banat Following its Turkish Occupation - With particular emphasis on emigration from Lorraine and Luxemburg (Southern Belgian province of Luxemburg)

Founded in 1748/1749, called Neubeschenowa by it's first German colonists, distinguishing it from the existing Altbeschenowa, which was mainly settled by Bulgarians. 

The church was built in 1750/51. The cemetery consecrated in 1751.  By 1778, there were 219 houses built. 

© Heinz Vogel

The village Neu-Beschenowa had in 1930, 2223 inhabitants that were to 93% of German decent. German colonists from the Mainz, Trier and Lothringen area arrived there in 1748.   Read more:
Last of the German Village ofNeu-Beschenowa
by Anton Zollner

Did you know . . .

The nicest school is in NEUBESCHENOWA and the oldest and best preserved church building stands in NEUBESCHENOWA.  - Quotes taken from:
Our Danube Swabian Banat Villages Have Their Own Character
"Donauschwäbischer Volkskalender" of 1924 By Prof. Nischbach

Cemetery Images 2006, submitted by Peter Solt, Budapest, Hungary.
taken by cousin
Gaspar Subai.

Josef Nischbach Biography & Josef Nischbach Senior Center
© Neubeschenowa by Anton Peter Petri, 1963




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News & Updates


Neubeschenowa biannually meeting: The Neubeschenowa people who live now in Germany meet biannually in Augsburg for a weekend. It is always a great event with music, dancing, church service etc.  My friend, Karin Müller (at is helping actively in organizing these events.  If you are interested to get some information about the biannual Neubeschenowa meeting in Germany or other information related to Neubeschenowa, Karin would be very glad to provide you with it.  - Erwin Deininger.



Neubeschenowa Village Coordinator: Joy Eakin, 2020
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
© 2004 Jody McKim Pharr, unless otherwise noted. ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Organization.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!

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