Bruckenau in Banat

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The purpose of this site is to provide all known information regarding Bruckenau in English, to assist researchers.  This site is hosted by the

Perhaps you.......

  • have knowledge about Bruckenau,

  • would like to volunteer to do lookups from Bruckenau family books,

  • have photos to add to this site,

  • would like to submit new links regarding Bruckenau,

  • want to be added to a Bruckenau researchers page,

  • would like to volunteer to be a Bruckenau Village Coordinator

Happy Hunting, Jody McKim
Village Site Webmaster

News & Updates . . .

Bruckenau Catholic Church is being destroyed!




Eine Banater Hecken-Gemeinde an der Bergsau
[Book Covers contributed by John Reiser]

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Village Coordinator

Jody McKim Pharr  


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© 2002-12 Jody McKim, unless otherwise noted