The "French" colonization of the Banat started about 1748 with emigration from Lorraine and the territories bordering on it. The settlers from Lorraine that established Neu-Beschenowa in the summer of 1748 had to complete a military training ordered by Maria Theresia, so that they would be able to serve as soldiers in case of war. By 1750 the villages St. Andreas and St. Martin had been established. In an initial massive effort, both French and German-speaking Lorrainers settled St. Andreas.

  • Timis County - Western Romania
  • 12km N of Temeswar
  • Established 1749 and remained a German village until 1988
  • Catholic Church name: H l. Apostel Andreas

The villiage has also been referred to by the following names:

  • Sanktandreas (German)
  • Sanktandrees (German)
  • St. Andrasch (Josephinische)
  • Szentandrás (Hungarian)
  • Sânandrei, Romania (Present Day)

© Heinz Vogel
Last updated 02 May 2014, maintained by Nick Goetz,